When that sort of thing happens this early, especially in view of the incredible decades-long push put on by the Republican Party (and don't count them out--they've been at this nearly single-minded pursuit since Barry Goldwater lost the 1964 election), the gloves come off and the brass knuckles go on. McCain/Palin is a dying, cornered animal, and as such it's extremely dangerous.
We'll hear the usual reports:
- Republicans getting all hot & bothered about "voter fraud," and using all manner of disinformation, manipulation, dirty tricks, intimidation, bribery, extortion, etc--to keep people who look too "other" from being able to vote at all.
- All sorts of obscure scare tactics, character assassination, "leaks," rumor-mongering, outright lies and distortions coming from the candidates themselves (and worse originating from surrogates), "issue" ads sponsored by 527s, etc, designed to squeeze every last drop of fear out of the electorate, and sway as many independents as possible in their direction.
- It's likely there'll be a swift-boating or two, if somebody can manage it.
- The electronic media (primarily TV, but the universe keeps expanding) will follow every foul utterance and echo it all over the world--remember it's in television's best interest that the race remain as nail-bitingly close as possible. Right now, the networks have to be sweating just as much as the McCain campaign, since it's not looking especially close right now. If there are ratings to be had, TV news crews will rush toward any tiny spark or lit match--with gasoline, kindling, and a busload of unpaid interns to blow on it until the oxygen tanks arrive.
- As things get really tense, there'll probably be some violence. A wounded, cornered animal (and I'm talking about the angry mob, here, as much as the candidates themselves) is dangerous and unpredictable. Some nut bar may even try to take Obama out. Racism isn't dead (it just smells funny, these days).
The last few weeks of Election 2008 aren't likely to be pretty--but then, the slow, agonizing death of a cornered animal rarely is.
One debate left. Hopefully, the coup de gras will be merciful and swift. Otherwise, our Halloween is going to be like one of those cheap horror flicks--only it won't be a movie.